
Friday, May 31, 2013

Dear Nolan, tomorrow you turn 1!

The last picture I took of my "baby" because tomorrow he becomes a big boy! 
Dear Nolan,

My sweet baby, you become a big boy tomorrow. Wasn't it just yesterday that you were born? I will never forget hearing your cry for the very first time. I was holding your daddy's hand and looking straight into his eyes trying to gauge his reaction to seeing your first seconds here with us. They held you up for me to see you and I could not stop smiling and crying with excitement of meeting my baby boy for the first time. Now, here we are on the eve of your first birthday. One whole year has gone bye, but this is still just the very beginning.

In the past year we have both learned so much. You make your likes and dislikes very clear. You are a little sponge. You observe and take in everything.

At one year,
You love to stack toys
You love to throw your "ba" (ball) -- you pretty much play fetch with yourself
You love Chuggy and all dogs really
Climbing stairs is so much fun
Playing on mommy and daddy's bed is a daily must-do
We love when you give us kisses
You say "hello" on your telephone
Your favorite food is bananas
You have 2 teeth
Your favorite song is "It's Tricky" by Run DMC (or perhaps any song your lantern sings)
Your favorite words are "uh oh" and "ba" (ball)
This year you developed so many nicknames, Nolie, Nols, Nol Nol, No No, Nolie Polie, Nolie Canoli, Noller, Nolo and Bugaboo, to name a few ;)

You have had so many first, but there are still so many more to come. I look forward to watching you grow, learn and discover so many new things.

Although tomorrow you technically aren't a "baby" anymore, you my son, will always be my baby! You made me a mommy and it has been the biggest joy in my life. You are my everything, Nolan James.

I can't wait to hear your wake up call tomorrow morning, "mama"! I am looking forward to celebrating your big day tomorrow and am excited for your birthday party next Saturday. You are the sweetest little boy  in the entire world. Your smile can bring a smile to my face no matter what kind of day I have had. You remind me of what is important. Mommy and daddy love you so much!



p.s. - You had your blood work done today and you were a little champ. You cried and didn't want any piece of what was happening, but once it was over then you got over it rather quickly. I think I am a bigger wimp when it comes to giving blood.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

3- day weekends mean an extra day with this cutie! What could be better?

Let me start off by saying how big Nolan is getting. Seriously. He is looking older and older by the day. This week we have been working on feeding himself with a spoon. Nolan does the best in the morning with oatmeal. He is stubborn and once he is given the spoon there is no getting it back from him. At dinner he wants to feed himself with the spoon too, but at dinner he also doesn't want to eat every time. This results in playing with his food and then having a minor meltdown because I have to literally peel the spoon out of his hand (or we each have to have a spoon). We are still working on liking food. He does have certain foods that he loves (bananas) and he is far too smart because if we try to mix stuff up on his tray he will pick out what he wants.
Lefty!?!?!? :)

Friday night we went to the Bowie Baysox game so that Ryan could get a mystery bobblehead. After a lot of hype, I ended up with a radio host, Elliot. Ryan and our friend Phil managed to get some Orioles pitchers. I jokingly asked somebody if they wanted to trade with me. At first the man laughed and said "no thanks" but then he stopped me and said, "actually, yes I already have this one" and he handed me Jake Arrieta! You are very welcome, Ryan. 

Nolan road on the merri-go-round for the first time, but wasn't too thrilled. He also got a ball and an autograph from Zach Clark's (Zach is actually one of my besties, Jamie's, sister Megs' brother-in-law! Follow? It's awesome!!)

This weekend we went to the park with Aunt Lainy, Hayden and Lincoln to fly kites. The weather was actually perfect for flying kites. I think Lincoln was probably the best kite flier –sorry Uncle Ry. ;) 

Cool shades!

This would be a picture of Lincoln's kite crashing into Ryan! 

Taking a stroll!

Hayden decided she wanted to swing like a baby too...

Nolie and Linc loving the swings!

When did you get so big?

Sunday we went to Harper’s baptism! At first my thought was how on earth is Nolan going to sit through an hour long mass, but once we got there I quickly realized my thought should have been how is RYAN going to sit through the hour?? Nolan did great! (so did Ry) He started to talk loudly a few times, but we quickly gave him his paci and he quietly played in the pew and with the man sitting behind us. Nolan actually took off his shoes, then his socks and then he decided that the nice gentleman behind us should have his sock. I apologize to you nice sir who so politely accepted my son’s dirty sock with a smile on your face. And as for little miss Harper, I don’t think I have ever heard her cry. Harper is such an amazing little baby. I think she will be tricking her parents into having many more adorable babies at this rate :) good girl Harper!! Your cuteness and smiles kill me!

Little Harper sleeping through it all :) 
Check out my besties blog! 

Side note: Nolan becomes a little terror when he skips a nap. I am starting to worry about his birthday party that I so casually planned smack during the middle of nap time. Within a minute of leaving the baptism grouchy was taking his nap. When we got home his nap turned into family nap time. In the evening we stopped over to Phil and Sarah’s Memorial Day cookout and we took Nolan to the playground over there for a little bit.

Aunt Nora and Uncle Mike sent Nolan birthday presents! So of course, we decided it was okay for him to open them up. Thank you so much Aunt Nora and Uncle Mike! Nolan is going to look so stylish this summer!  

Aunt Nora and Uncle Mike sent Nolan a birthday present!

Nolan was so excited!

Opening presents is hard work..time for a water break!

All kinds of adorable outfits for this summer!

He loved his card! It had Mickey on it! He crawled around with his card for a good amount of time!

Monday was a day of running errands and buying Nolan his birthday present! On Monday evening Nolan took a bath in the tub like a big boy. He looked so tiny in the bathtub, but taking him out of the baby tub was long overdue. I wanted to get him the inflatable duck transitional tub, but once again I underestimated how good Nolan is and he was fine in the bathtub last night. I guess I am just having a hard time accepting that my baby is growing up. 

Big boy!

This photo angle is odd, but it puts into perspective how tiny Nol looks in the bathtub!

Some more fun pictures from the week:
Nolan was obsessed with Roxy's dog bed at Aunt Ginnies house this week!

My baby turns 1 on Saturday!!!

Nolan absolutely loves playing on our bed! He will sit up and then fall back and crack up laughing. If Chuggins is on the bed too, oh man the giggling does not stop! 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Welcome Baby Blake, Happy Bday Mom & Congrats to Sarah!

I am going to start off with big congratulations to Nicola, Adam and big brother Jackson on the birth of their son, Blake Alexander! He was born on Wednesday, May 15th and weighed in at 7 lbs 10 ozs. of perfection. I was lucky enough to meet baby Blake last week and just sat there staring at his wrinkly, squishy newborn adorable little baby-ness (Yes, I made up that word). When Nicola’s son, Jackson found out I was having Nolan he was so excited for a “brother-cousin”. We could not be more excited to welcome another “brother-cousin” into our little family. ;)
Meeting Baby Blake for the first time :) 
He is so handsome! Love him! 

Friday was my mom’s birthday. I knew that once her birthday would come around I wanted to go and visit her grave. It had been 2 years since my mom’s passing and I had never been to see it. Going to see her grave just makes it a reality that she is not physically here and that has not been something I have been willing to accept. I am still not willing to accept it even though I know that she is looking down on all of us each day. Friday was difficult because as much as I wanted to go and instill a new tradition of having Nolan visit her every birthday to bring her flowers, I still didn't feel ready. I mustered up the courage and tears later I was finally standing there staring down at her beautiful stone, holding Nolan and celebrating her birthday.
Visiting my mom for the first time on her birthday. 

This past weekend was probably the first weekend I spent so much time away from Nolan. I worked our Wine in the Woods festival on Saturday, all day Sunday and Saturday night my friend Sarah married her now hubby, Chris! It was a long weekend, but it was a great one. I am so happy to have been able to share in the celebration of Sarah’s wedding day! She was an absolutely stunning bride and you could tell she was just so happy. Congrats to Mr. & Mrs. Heston on your marriage! 
Wine in the Woods! This is where I spent my weekend! 

Here comes the bride! So beautiful, so happy, such a wonderful evening celebrating Sarah and Chris! Love you Sarah!!!!


I wish this was closer up because it is the Father/Daughter dance and it was adorable! 

The groom! Sarah informed Heather and I that he's shy 15 minutes prior to me taking this photo..umm? I'm not buying it.

Me and the Hubs, he acts like he loves me when he has a few drinks in him! ;)
Hubby got called Jim Halpert again at the wedding!

Me and my love, Heather!!

This just makes me laugh!

I owe the biggest thanks to my sister. Alaina babysat Nolan on Saturday night, she worked on Sunday morning from 4AM-12:30PM then came home to Ryan dropping off Nolan for her to babysit until about 7PM!! Being that she probably had about 3 hours of sleep on Saturday night (or Sunday morning technically), I pretty much owe her for life! Thank you sooo much sissy boo, I love you! I am also so excited that in the time Nolan spent with her, it seems he learned to say Lainy! Yay!
Nolan playing with Aunt Lainy. Saying "hello" on his "phone" :)

Picking up Nolan on Sunday evening was quite possibly one of my favorite moments to date. Nolan went to the door when we were walking up the front steps and as soon as he saw us there was instantaneously the largest smile across his face. He was giggling and squealing with so much excitement. He hugged me and held on to me so tightly when I picked him up. 

Trying to get a picture with Nolie before putting him to bed on Sunday night...he wasn't having it though...

And lastly, we are just 2 weeks away from Nolan turning 1 year old. Party projects are in full effect! :) 

A few more cute pictures from this past week...

Our little baseball player! 
He loves swings! So glad the whole My Gym debacle is behind us!!!