
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A visit from Auntie Sue!

Since daycare was closed last week, Auntie Sue flew in from Texas to spend the entire week with Nolan. They were both equally excited for the week. The last time that Sue was here was for Nolan’s first birthday, and well, my poor baby was not a happy camper that week. It was great that she got to spend time with the happy boy that we all know and love so much!
There were no tears at drop off the entire week. Nolan stuck to his everyday routine and gave her no troubles. They played, laughed, learned new words and had so much fun. Throughout the week Sue sent me pictures and updates of my little guy. Take a look at the fun week they had together,  

Played ball daily!

And lots of peek-a-boo!

He loves his cars and trucks!

Fingerpaint fun with Hershey's syrup! Mmm!

My little artist!

Such concentration!

All done!

My baby's art project!

They gathered leaves!

And observed them!

Then brought them inside..

to decorate Grandma and Grandpa's living room carpet!

He says "truck" now!

Playing more peek-a-boo with the blanket!

On the move!

The little golfer had to take a water break!

Bat and ball..happy boy!

I love this picture!

Auntie Sue told me that they were watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and on the show they were riding horses, so Nolan was using the golf club to ride his "horse"!

Then we went to dinner and ordered pasta without a bib!

My big boy is so handsome!

Seriously, loves peek-a-boo!

So many hugs for Auntie Sue!

Taking a walk together!

Super Nolan on his last day with Auntie Sue!

Just reading some books!

I think you can tell they both had a great week!!!!!!!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Today was the day!

Something clicked today and 1 week shy of 15 months, Nolan is officially confident in his walking! Things are really going to get interesting in the Hurd household! Congratulations baby boy on a huge milestone!!! Mommy and daddy are very proud parents!!!

Also, 1 year ago today was Nolan's first day of daycare and I was driving to work crying. Today when I dropped off Nolan he saw a balloon and went straight over to it, threw it in the air, giggled, looked up at me and then waved bye. It still is so sad to leave him, but at least I know he is always so happy and having fun where he is.

And as for my other two "babies", they started preschool and kindergarten today! My little niece, Hayden begged to walk to the bus stop and then anxiously awaited the school bus on her first day of kindergarten! She told me that she had recess and made new friends. My handsome nephew, Lincoln swore that he would never go to school and woke up this morning more excited than ever! He walked right into his classroom and had the best day and is so excited to go back tomorrow. I am a proud Aunt of these two little munchkins!!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Another great weekend!

Thanks to a LivingSocial deal, we are back at My Gym! This past Saturday we went with Jamie’s adorable daughter, Lily! They both had so much fun. Watching Lily play reminded me that when we first took Nolan he was her age! A look back at Nolan's first trip to My Gym!   
Of course, right when we walked in the door there were beach balls hanging from the ceiling. Nolan shouted “ball” pretty much the entire time, as well as, played with a ball pretty much the entire time. He did play with some other stuff and managed to only fuss during circle time, but overall it was a successful trip back. Hopefully next week he warms up to it a little bit more and plays with more than a ball.
Why walk when you can crawl everywhere...
Ball pit with one of his many girlfriends, Lily!
Climbing with Lily!
Lily is so stinkin' adorable!!
Rocking in the boat
Happy boy because he has a ball!
Play time!
After My Gym I met Callie and Cader in Sykesville for a family expo. Main Street in Sykesville is such a cute area. I immediately insisted that we need to plan a date night because it was so adorable. We had a great time walking around to the different booths, collecting freebies and entering raffles. I actually won a raffle! For anyone that knows me, they should know that I never win anything and so this was exciting for me. I won 4 cuts of gourmet meat, or as the sign read “gormet” meats.
You look huge, child.
Goldfish everywhere.
Aunt Callie and Cader at the Expo!
Our attempt to get a picture of them together... #fail
Our next stop was Grandma and Grandpa’s house for dinner because Auntie Sue had flown in from Texas! This week Auntie Sue is watching Nolan since daycare is closed. We are so blessed to have such wonderful family in our lives.
Auntie Sue is here!
Taking a stroll with his cousin, Will!
Too exhausted for clothes.
I thought he was going to fall asleep on Grandma and Grandpa's living room carpet.
This weekend we also had dinner with Dylan, Callie and Cader! I pretended to know how to cook and with Callie’s help we managed to make parmesan crusted pork chops. I am not going to lie, Ryan pretty much took over and he also managed to make asparagus and mashed potatoes. Cader played on Nol’s play mat from when he was itty bitty and Nolan tried to play catch with her constantly. I had to keep intercepting balls that Nolan kept throwing to Cader.

Another one of Nolan's adorable little girlfriends, Cader!!

Besties since we were 10! :)
Best picture I could get of the two of them. I had to bribe Nol to sit still with Mickey.

Love her!!!!
And the playmat, I can't believe how long its been since Nolan played on it, my itty bitty baby is a kid now.