
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Merry Christmas 2013

I will let you know now, I posted A LOT of pictures.
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For starters, this picture was too silly not to share! That would be Nolan making a silly face awhile chowing down on his favorite food, PIZZA!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas holiday spending time with all of their loved ones. We sure did! Nolan had a busy few days packed full of both new and continuing of old family traditions. The boy is spent and unfortunately got sick along the way. We spent Friday night cuddling our little boy awhile he tried to sleep. He was miserable. At 2:30am he said "eat" when we asked what he wanted he said, "pizza". I wished more than anything I had a slice of pizza to give him. He was so upset last night. We called our pediatrician in the middle of the night and she was great! We were seen first thing this morning and it turns out Nolie has a double ear infection. We are spending our Saturday in pajamas and catching up on last nights missed sleep.
And now for our Christmas 2013 photo album!
For starters Alaina and I spent a day 3 hours in NYC. We managed to do a little shopping, eat a slice of NY pizza and see the Rockefeller Christmas tree! Had we not had a broken down bus I am sure the day would have gone a lot smoother, but overall I had a great time with my sissy boo!
Here we have Hayden helping to make our traditional raviolis. My mom would be so proud that we have continued to have them every Christmas with her gravy. 
We also had a slumber party with Nolan's cousins! Hayden and Lincoln read Nolan bedtime stories and were actually very well behaved and went to bed with no complaints. We may actually be crazy enough to have more sleepovers in the future. 
The day before Christmas Eve Nolan came to work with mommy for a little bit (because daddy slacked on his Christmas shopping and desperately needed to get that done without an 18 month old running around). Nolan was both very shy and very good during his visit.
And then before we knew it, it was already Christmas Eve. Flashback to Nolan's first Christmas here. We continued our tradition of going to Chic-Fil-A for breakfast. It actually looks like he was eating in these pictures, but I am pretty sure he's just licking ketchup off his fingers. The boy is obsessed with "dippy" aka, ketchup.

Ryan decided to play basketball at 4am on Christmas Eve morning. He came home looking like this,
I am sure you can imagine that I was really excited to see this gash down his face. Now all family Christmas pictures for 2013 have this wonderful scratch. Awesome.
After breakfast we took Nolan to Pump It Up for a little while to jump around and play! He normally takes about 20 minutes to warm up to the place, but this time he was finally used to it. He immediately wanted to go on the slides and play basketball! 
 We also made a gingerbread house! Nolan enjoyed the icing and decorated the roof!
We stopped by Sam and Justin's to say Merry Christmas to everyone! I just missed snapping a picture of Nolan willingly giving Uncle Mikey a hug!

Smiling with Aunt Ginnie, Uncle "Guck" and Mom mom!

Our final stop for the day was at Grandma and Grandpa's to celebrate Christmas! We had dinner, watched Elf and opened presents over there!
Woah! All these presents are for me?
Crying "open" at us because he wanted to play with his new blocks!
Chuggins fell asleep trying to wait up for Santa!

he missed him, but he came!
Christmas morning 2013. Nolan's second Christmas :)
Once he saw his basketball hoop he didn't care too much about anything else!
We have a lot of basketball pictures.

Coloring at his new table!

Our next stop that morning was at Pop Pop's for Christmas morning with Nolan's cousins, Pop Pop, Aunt Lainy and Uncle Ry! We stayed there the remainder of  the day and we had more family join us for Christmas dinner!
Hayden before we even carried this to my dad, "Pop Pop, it's a TV!"
Aunt Lainy got Nols a kitchen!
Someone was done with opening presents!
Loves his doggy!
Lincoln (5) and Hayden (6)
Lincoln is already towering over his sister
All dressed up!
The best auntie!
How many pictures are you all going to take?
And now it is time for a packed house! :)
The boys!
The girlies!
All together now!
And as they were....back to watching T.V.

Merry Christmas ~ 2013
We had a new take on Boxing Day this year. Instead of a movie we decided to go to Port Discovery!
I wish this picture was clear!
Notice Nolan in the background washing his hands awhile Grandpa continues to play!
And lastly, Nolan enjoying his ridiculous amount of Christmas presents!!!
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!