
Sunday, December 21, 2014

Dear Nolan

Dear Nolan,
I blinked and you turned 2 and a half!!!! I haven't done a blog post in foreverrr. So let's see,

Thanksgiving was low key. You spent the day at Pop pop’s house and spent another year refusing to try the turkey, amongst many other delicious foods that we had. My favorite part about the holiday though was the parade. You loved watching the parade, loved it. If Grammy were here she would be so excited and probably be planning a trip to Philly next year to get us on the train and take us to their parade. She loved the parades. I think her favorite Thanksgiving was probably the year our entire family spent the holiday in New York City. She was up early and ready to go grab her spot on Thanksgiving morning for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Watching the parade with you and seeing you excited filled me with joy.
Christmas is fast approaching. I mean fast, like too fast. This year we took you to a fun little Santa event at the Bowie Baysox Stadium and the Oriole bird was there among other mascots. You were not a happy camper at all. You insisted on me carrying you and you hid your little head anytime Santa or a mascot came near. You were not having it.
We went to cut our Christmas tree down this past weekend and the place we go (TLV Tree farm) has a Santa there. We decided we would get the whole sitting on Santa’s lap picture over and down with. So, before we went to cut down the tree we went into the shop and made sure not to let you see Santa while we stood in the quick line. You did not see him and mama became a nervous wreck because I knew you would hate it. I was so nervous that I forgot to take off your hat, mittens and winter coat. The cute little Christmas shirt you had on was not seen in the pictures we snapped, but don’t worry we won’t take you to sit on Santa’s lap anymore. Needless to say, as expected you hated it. You screamed your head off, but you got over it rather quickly once we opened the candy cane that Santa gave you.
You currently think Christmas is over. We cut down and decorated the tree and you saw Santa and he gave you a treat. In other words, the candy cane and coloring book that Santa gave you were enough. J I keep trying to explain to you, but I think you are in for a real surprise.
We have been keeping very busy. We went to My Gym (or as you call it mommy's gym because you can't understand the name, hehe!) with your friends for Cookies with Santa. We made sure to inform you that you do NOT have to sit on Santa’s lap.  You didn't even have to look at him. You still freaked out. :( We have gone to a train garden and decorated a gingerbread house. You enjoy those Christmas activites a lot more. 
You continue to grow and amaze your daddy and I every single day. You have always been a big talker, but these past few months, holy cow, the things you say. You crack us up. Oh, and lately you started saying ‘crap’. I asked you who said that and you said ‘Aunt Lainy’. Busted.
You love to sing and make up your own random songs. You love to make animal noises and pretend that there are all different animals in the house, car, wherever we are. You love sports, obviously. Daddy took you to the driving range for your very first time and you did amazing. You were using a right handed club backwards that was too big for you so that you could hit left handed and you were still crushing the ball. I mean, you hit some shots better than your mama.
You learned to write “Nol”. You love to draw hearts, circles and boats. Yup, boats. You are really doing well writing letters and you simply are a little sponge that loves to soak up learning.
You are amazing kiddo. Even though you aren’t a Santa fan and there will be some Christmas traditions and activities we do that you may not get too excited about (Santa on a fire truck coming down our street tonight!! Mommy can't wait, but I am sure you won't like it) I am still so excited for the holidays this year and I cannot wait to see your sleepy little face on Christmas morning.   
I will upload a Christmas album to show all the fun we have had in the next few weeks. 

I love you so much!!!
