
Saturday, January 10, 2015

Our Very Happy Holiday!

December came and went way too quickly. We kept very busy doing all things Christmassy and keeping us in the holiday spirit.

We cut down our Christmas tree and visited Santa (Nolan did not enjoy seeing Santa). We went and saw the "rainbow lights" as Nolan called them, which is an awesome light display that a house one street over from my dad puts on. We visited the house frequently throughout the month. You can easily spend 30 minutes at the house if not more. We built gingerbread houses with the cousins. We built a gingerbread house at home. We baked cookies with Aunt Lainy and Grandma. We baked special cookies for Santa. We visited a train garden. We saw Santa come down the street on a fire truck. We attended My Gym's cookies with Santa (once again, Nolan not too happy). Christmas parties and ugly sweater parties were attended and so much more. We really had something to do every weekend and I loved it.

This year Nolan was introduced to the Elf on a Shelf. We read him the book and he named his elf, Peanut Butter. Every morning Nolan was so excited to wake up and find him. He really caught on to the concept of him watching him and reporting to Santa. Nolan received a message from Santa and a special phone call from him on Christmas Eve. I think he was freaked out about the idea of Santa visiting him, but once Christmas morning came and he saw all of his presents and realized he did not actually see Santa he told us that next time he is going to sit on Santa's lap and say cheese. Based on his track record, I find that VERY hard to believe, but he said it. Multiple times.

Christmas Eve was perfect. The year Nolan was born I felt we needed to adopt our own family tradition. So, of course I decided on chic-fil-a breakfast. We have had chic-fil-a breakfast for each Christmas Eve and it is a delicious start to the day. This year Nolan played in the play area for a little while after we ate and then we did some last minute shopping before heading home and baking Santa fresh cookies. Santa also made a phone call to Nolan to check in on him and let him know that he was in route to his house. Nolan went down for a nap then we spent the evening at Grandma and Grandpa's enjoying another delicious meal and opening Christmas presents. Nolan got some left handed golf clubs which he was pretty excited about! We packed up, came home and put out cookies and (blue) milk for Santa. Nolan insisted that Santa likes his milk blue so we got out the food coloring and made him some blue milk. Then we read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' and Nolan went right to bed.

Christmas morning. There is something so special about seeing your child's sleepy little face light up on Christmas morning. This year Nolan really got into Christmas. He dug through his stocking and then got into his presents. He wanted to open every toy as he went, but he managed to open everything up. After we had Christmas morning we packed up and went to Pop Pop's for breakfast. Aunt Lainy spoiled us with a delicious breakfast and we opened up more presents. Then before we knew it Nolan refused his nap and the rest of the family was showing up. For not napping, Nolan was in a great mood and had fun playing with all of his cousins. We completed the evening by stopping at the "rainbow lights" one last time and then heading home. Nolan was asleep in the car before we were 10 minutes down the road. Needless to say, he had a great Christmas, or as he said to us on Christmas morning, "this is the best day ever!"

We ended our winter break with an attempt at potty training and I am pleased to say with the help of m&m's and Hershey kisses Nolan has picked up in just that final week. We didn't force it on him and gradually showed him the potty for the past 6 months or so. He has never shown an interest in it. Like I said, we didn't force it. The Monday after Christmas we decided we would just put him in underwear and see what happens. After the first accident Nolan was ready to start running to the potty. Now he calmly asks us to go to the potty and is doing so well at staying dry! We are so proud of him! He is just growing up way too fast!! I just placed a massive Amazon order for all potty necessities for public restrooms. The germs freak me out and I am not ready for this, but I know public restrooms are in my near future with him so I figured I would start preparing. For example, toilet seat covers that go all the way to the floor and a foldable potty seat. Did you know they also make potty mittens? Don't worry, Ryan made me delete the mittens, but seriously genius in my book.

And now for a massive amount of pictures from the month of December :)

Before Nolan takes over being all of these pictures, Chuggy did get his Christmas present too and he was perfectly content. :)
My bestie, Aun and I had the privilege of shopping for a gender reveal gift for our other bestie, Jamie and her family's gender reveal! Bright blue car. It's a BOY!!!!!!!!
Peanut Butter (named by Nolan) arrived!
Gingerbread houses with the cousins!
And the lights! Our rule, when in the tunnel you have to dance!
He loved the advent calendar!
Nolan expressing his love of Santa.
The tree he wanted
Found a tree!
Now, we decorate!
Not too many pictures from My Gym because once he saw that Santa was there he refused to play and wanted to go home.

Santa on a fire truck = candy cane for Nols :)
Peanut Butter brought Nols a present!
Annual cookie bake!
Choo choo trains!
We were pretty proud of our ugly sweater making skills. Thanks to the Jackson's for the help!

The raviolis, Alaina and I are always making my mom proud.

Christmas Eve!

Daddy is a trooper.

Santa called :)

'Twas the Night Before Christmas'



And then they threw wrapping paper at each other...of course.



Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
The smile after having some potty success!
Ready to play in the snow! First snow of 2015 and Nolan was LOVING it!