
Thursday, July 2, 2015

All the fun we had celebrating Nolan turn 3!

Celebrating Nolan’s 3rd birthday was filled with so much fun and excitement. The night before his actual birthday I sat on the couch blowing up a pile of balloons and sneaking them into his room, just as I did for his 2nd birthday. When he woke up on his birthday and ran into my room with a big smile on his face it made the light headedness totally worth it. He whispered “mommy, come here I have to show you something!!” I followed him as he ran back into his room and he shouted “Look! Balloons!” We spent a solid 30 minutes hitting balloons around in his room giggling before he finally asked me for milk. {Side note, Nolan normally wakes up and DEMANDS a cup of milk almost immediately} Needless to say, the balloons were a hit and I will be continuing the tradition. Even writing the post 1 month late (oops) he still will randomly talk about that time he woke up and there were balloons in his room.

With Field Day only a few days away, Ryan was not able to take off work on his birthday, so we postponed our plans to take Nolan to Dutch Wonderland until after daddy finished the school year. Instead I took Nolan to the DC Zoo with Aunt Aunnie and his best friends, Quinny and Harper. Let me tell you, it was hot. Like constantly wiping the sweat from your face because it’s burning your eyeballs, hot. Aunt Aunnie is such a trooper. She is in her 3rd trimester and was pushing the girls in a double stroller up massive hills like it was no one’s business. The day was perfect. We saw lots of animals, the kids were angels and we left the zoo at the perfect time. We drove into a storm going home and I enjoyed the quiet, lightly snoring child in the back and the rain hitting my windshield.

When we got home we opened presents, ate cake and all that fun stuff. Needless to say, it was a great day.

His favorite gift - bat and ball. (He has about 12 bats now)
Playing ball in the rain to test out his new bat!

For Nolan's 3rd birthday he wanted a baseball themed birthday party {SHOCKER}. I failed horribly on getting birthday invitations in the mail because we went away at the end of May. Did I even write about that trip? I am seriously slacking on the blog. Anyways...I resorted to a FB invite and all of Nolan's friends came out and celebrated with us.

We mixed it up this year and did not rent the pavilion we have had it at the past 2 years. Instead I had his birthday party in the preschool room at my work and honestly, this has been my favorite party yet! I didn't go too crazy with any decorations this year. I made a concessions sign, Nolan banner, goodie bags, baseball cupcakes and twinkie "corn dogs". We had mainly baseball themed foods - hot dogs, nachos, popcorn, PHILADELPHIA SOFT PRETZELS and made sure to have some other delicious stuff.


We had tee ball set up in the grassy area which is where the birthday boy hung out ALL day and the playground was reserved for our use outside of the party room. It was adorable because throughout the duration of the party I think almost everyone of Nolan's friends came over and played ball with him for a little bit. If you ask Nolan what his favorite part of his birthday party was he will tell you it was the piñata. Looks like we will be having piñatas at his parties from now.  

Uh oh, time for a million party pictures...

The kids table? ;)

How adorable is Ally's dress (and Ally, of course)? Her mommy MADE it!!

She also made those balloons!!!

Personalize baseball balloons courteously of the super crafty, Dawn! 

Baby Connor's first of many birthday parties!

I love that all of Nolie's friends gave baseball a try!!


This was an adorable moment where Nolan and Emma were yelling for each other and then ran to the fence and asked to be lifted over to be together!

And now the piñata,

Little miss Cader meant serious business! Girlfriend can swing!

Quinny was the reason the piñata even got a hole in it! Way to go Quinny!!!

Nolan ended the day giving Johnny a pie

...and with another soft pretzel!!!


Thank you everyone for celebrating Nolan!
We are so lucky to have the very best family and friends!