
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Christmas ~ 2016

Christmas snuck up on us this year! When we got back from Disney we were already midway through December and the first thing we did was head to the tree farm to pick out our Christmas tree. It happened to be 70 degree that day. It felt very odd not being bundled up to cut down our tree. In fact, Ryan had on short sleeves.

Thankfully, we had decorated the remainder of the house prior to our trip. We crammed a few more Christmas traditions into the few short weeks and I managed to get all of the shopping completed. The most eye opening experience this past year was watching Nolan perform in his Christmas concert at school. It was the moment he walked onto the stage in his little angel outfit that reality sunk in that my little peanut was in fact so grown up. Maybe the hormones were just getting the best of me, but I seriously almost cried. I held back the tears because I was sitting in the front row next to a few other moms in our reserved seats because we are the "memory book parents" and I didn't want them to think I was weird.

We did spend the day before Christmas Eve and Christmas Eve wrapping presents. I prefer to have that done in advance, but it wasn't too bad. It all just felt a bit rushed. The day before Christmas Eve we had our gender reveal and then before we knew it Christmas was here.

On Christmas Eve we could tell Nolan seemed more exhausted than normal and we feared he may be getting sick. Sadly, we were right. Double ear infection for our little guy on Christmas, but thanks to antibiotics the day was not ruined.

Let's go back to Christmas Eve. Every year we go to Grandma and Grandpa's house for dinner on Christmas Eve, but this year also involved a pit stop for Grandpa at the ER. When cooking he had a knife to finger incident, but thankfully he was actually in and out quickly, no stitches and was ok! When he returned home with Ryan we enjoyed a delicious dinner all together.

On Christmas Day, my dad also wasn't feeling too well. We all powered through Christmas ear infections, colds and all. Overall, it was a good Christmas with everyone together, but sometimes you just wish for a do over, and I think this year we all would have enjoyed a do over. From the ER to Nolan and my dad not feeling well. I just wanted everyone to be healthy! Next year, I wish for a healthy Christmas for everyone and possibly some cold weather to accompany it. Christmas just needs to feel like Christmas and that means we need the cold! :) My mom always prayed for a white Christmas, and I am with her on that!

December 2015 pictures -

They were obsessed with the mini trees!

Cousin love!

Decorating the tree and putting the star on top!

The sweetest little angel I ever did see!
We managed to whip up a Christmas card!

Volunteering in his classroom at the Christmas party!

Oh yeah... then my car broke down. :(

And I felt the same way that Nolan did here!

Last minute shopping!

Jackson's ugly sweater Christmas party!

Baking cookies (eating a million sprinkles!)
Cookie baking tradition!

Every Christmas Eve (nice Halloween jammies, oops!) we have Chic-fil-a for breakfast, this year daddy picked it up because Nolan wasn't feeling well.

Alaina and I made the traditional homemade raviolis!

Christmas Eve, Grandpa just got back from the ER!

and Nolan was ready for presents!

Then we headed home and put out cookies and milk for Santa!

Christmas morning!




Baby sister was spoiled by everyone too!

Day after Christmas bowling tradition! (Used to be Boxing Day at the movies, but this kid doesn't care for movies........yet!)