
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

First Day of Pre-K!

Does anyone recall last year? I dropped my shy, timid 3 year off for his first day of preschool and it was all the waterworks. The next day was a little bit better, but it took that boy a bit of time to settle into the routine of school and all things new. Within a few weeks he loved his school and there was no looking back.

This year, a whole new story! My boy is all grown up! He knows pretty much every teacher at the school (thanks to Aunt Lainy) and they all seem to adore my kid! :) This morning Nolan began his last, first day as a preschooler! Naturally, I quizzed him the night before. If you check out his sheet from last year I was his best friend, but now the boy has 2 little girlfriends. I'll let it slide because I know deep down I am still his best bud!  

Apparently Nolan's favorite animal is a cow.

We had our Get Acquainted Day and popsicle social at the school yesterday and met Nolan's teacher. He can't believe he has new teachers, a new classroom and his own cubby. His 4 year old mind was blown. Best of all, he was so excited to see that he has math on his schedule. So, naturally he asked if we could practice in the car. So, we did some addition in the car on the way to school this morning.

Maddie was very proud of her big brother this morning! :)


 ...and off he went.

Have the best year ever buddy!!! I am so excited to hear how your first day went and can't wait to see how much you grow and learn this year!!! We love you so much, Nolie!!!!!!!!!

First Day of Pre-K!

Does anyone recall last year? I dropped my shy, timid 3 year off for his first day of preschool and it was all the waterworks. The next day was a little bit better, but it took that boy a bit of time to settle into the routine of school and all things new. Within a few weeks he loved his school and there was no looking back.

This year, a whole new story! My boy is all grown up! He knows pretty much every teacher at the school (thanks to Aunt Lainy) and they all seem to adore my kid! :) This morning Nolan began his last, first day as a preschooler! Naturally, I quizzed him the night before. If you check out his sheet from last year I was his best friend, but now the boy has 2 little girlfriends. I'll let it slide because I know deep down I am still his best bud!  

Apparently Nolan's favorite animal is a cow.

We had our Get Acquainted Day and popsicle social at the school yesterday and met Nolan's teacher. He can't believe he has new teachers, a new classroom and his own cubby. His 4 year old mind was blown. Best of all, he was so excited to see that he has math on his schedule. So, naturally he asked if we could practice in the car. So, we did some addition in the car on the way to school this morning.

Maddie was very proud of her big brother this morning! :)


 ...and off he went.

Have the best year ever buddy!!! I am so excited to hear how your first day went and can't wait to see how much you grow and learn this year!!! We love you so much, Nolie!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Madelyn ~ 3 months old

Maddie girl! You got it! At 9 weeks old you decided to take to breastfeeding and you now nurse like you've been doing it all along. In our few short weeks on this breastfeeding journey I have fed you in so many different places, the car, the beach, baseball game, Broadway at the Beach, restaurants, parks, and the list goes on. You my dear are so good at going with the flow. 

This month was all about finding your hands and realizing you can grab things! You love to grab at your toys. You also love to make noise. You have been a little squealer since you were born making all kinds of cute squeaky noises, but now you just don't stop. You can get loud too!  You are so close to giggling. You smile so big and then will do a shriek, but the giggle hasn't come out yet. Ok, well daddy isn't sure but he thinks you did at the beach, but nothing since. 

You are so happy. SO. HAPPY. We are so lucky to have such an angel baby because it really takes a lot to get you crying. However, we did learn on vacation that when you are tired and want to go to sleep for th night you can't be out and about. You are too distracted by all the lights and noises around you and you just get overly tired. Some would say you have a case of FOMO. You can nap in those settings, but when it's bedtime you want to be home and in your jammies. I don't blame you.

You love the water! Whether it be bath time, pools or the ocean you are a happy girl when you are in the water! This is the opposite of your brother who wasn't a fan of bath time and cried his first (and probably second and third) time in the pool. 

Another opposite of your brother is the excessive amounts of spit up you partake in throughout the duration of the day. Like splatter the floor spit up too. It's insane, but after you do it you normally just smile at us. And then there's the poop.....girlfriend you have ruined so many adorable outfits! I can recall 1 blowout of Nolan's. I am sure there were a few more, but 1 time. 1. One. O-N-E. Meanwhile, I feel like you do it daily. We even tried a different brand diaper, but it didn't help. You don't look ready to move up a diaper size, but looks like we might have to try that next. It seems like the moment we put you into your car seat you are destined for a blowout. 😬

Baby girl you are just growing way too fast. I have to go back to work tomorrow and it pains me to think about leaving you and Nolie. I have had the most amazing 13 (shh!) weeks with you! Yes, I had an extra because of where our beach vacation fell. However, 1 extra week still wasn't enough. Our time flew right by. I really just want to soak up this first year with you because I know how quickly you will turn into a 4 year old. 

(All the smiles for daddy! Daddy, move your arm!!!!)

Please continue to sleep through the night for me as I feel it will help a tiny bit with returning to work. Be good for your daddy. You get an extra month with him before he will return to work.

We love you so much!!