
Thursday, February 9, 2017

Dear Madelyn ~ 9 months!

Dear Madelyn,

Our extra sweet, teeny tiny, baby buggy! You, my dear are 9 months old. It is so exciting watching you grow, but I want to cry knowing how fast it is going. 


This past month has been all about movement. You went from army crawling 1 week to up on all fours full on crawling in no time, and now you are fast! You also require baby proofing {your brother did not}. We are actually looking to purchase 3 working baby gates to replace the 2 broken ones we have that we have always just leaned against the stairs. We have all the outlets covered. You are obsessed with Chuggins water bowl. You are curious as anything and like to explore everything. 


You continue to love food. Although you are still not a fan of avocados or eggs. You love green beans and seem to be quite the meat eater! You love your snacks the most though--puffs, mum mums and yogurt melts make you super excited! 


You have 1 tooth! It's in and it's super adorable! We keep thinking another is coming, but we have said that for 2 weeks now so we have decided that you are pretty much just a horrible sleeper! I will give you a bit of slack because you caught your first fever and cold, but since then you are still waking up twice a night! Sometimes you only wake up once, but that's rare. Can you please go back to months 1-4 when you were sleeping through the night? We had to set an alarm and wake you up for feedings!! Such a tease. 


You my dear, we can tell you are going to be dramatic. You like to let it be known when you are done eating. You will throw your arms up, arch your back and fuss. You're getting better though and sometimes will sign all done. But seriously, a simple all done and a smile will work! 😉 You also enjoy dropping your food off your tray, dropping your cup over and over and  smearing food in your hair. 


Bath time is still one of your favorites! You love to splash!! 

Your favorite toy is still a ball but you also love cars. Let's just say it's obvious you have a big brother! ☺️ 

You love to give kisses! 😘😘 and are learning to blow kisses too!!!

Things you are not a fan of consist of staying still for diaper changes, having your nose wiped and sleeping through the night. Otherwise, you are pretty much a happy camper! 

See, happy camper. 😂 ok, having your picture taken a million times can be added to the list! 

Your 9 month stats--
Weight 16 lbs 13 ozs - 25%
Height 27.8 in - 53% 
Head 44.5 cm -66% 

You are a tiny little peanut! 

We love you so much baby girl!!!!! 


Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Madelyn's first Christmas ❤️❤️❤️

Yes, it's February. Yes, just getting around to Christmas. Where is the time going? With 2 kids free time is hard to come by these days, and when I do have it I obviously want to catch up on my shows. Hashtag bachelor, hashtag pump rules, hashtag suits and my latest addiction...hashtag...Jane the virgin 🙊 So, as you can see there is just not enough time to keep up with those and you know, daily life! 

Anyways, back to Christmas! We traveled to Texas in December to celebrate our beautiful bride, Kylee and then when we got home it was like Christmas came and went so fast! We did all things Christmas in a span of 2 weeks! Chopping down the Christmas tree, Santa, Christmas lights and more. It was a magical Christmas season, as always! Extra magical being that Nolan was SO into it and for Madelyn it being her first! 

One thing I have realized (and LOVE) is that apparently the Hurd's travel in December! Since Nolan has been born we have flown 4 times in the month of December, twice to Disney and twice to Texas. Nolan seriously thinks it's what we do. Like a tradition of some sort, and I am excited to keep that "tradition" going, that's for sure!!!!!!!! Disney is up next!!!!!! Eeeeek!!!!! ❤️💛🖤

Christmas 2016 was perfect. Absolutely perfect! So many smiles, so much joy and feeling extra blessed watching our two beautiful, healthy children! 

Peanut Butter the elf made his return! (And flew all the way to Texas with us) 

We were not successful with our first Santa attempt. This was before we even went inside. Nolan's crying triggered Maddie crying, so that was fun. 

The lights house + cousins = extra fun!

Next Santa attempt was at the tree farm!

And not successful.

Madelyn's first Christmas!

Nols kind of Santa...

We found our tree!

And so did Aunt Lainy!

Such good little helpers!

Our tree is decorated!

Buggy 🐞❤️

She tries to put everrryyythinggg in her mouth! (Don't worry we stopped her!)

Sweet babies!


Nolan was Joseph in the Christmas performance ❤️

He did great!

Volunteering at Nols school for the Christmas party!

Annual Christmas cookie baking tradition!

First Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa's new house!


Keeping Grammy's ravioli making tradition alive! ❤️



Our family tradition is chic fil a breakfast on Christmas Eve morning! 





His words were "look mommy, it's like the cruise ship!" 



This Christmas stuff is exhausting!



Had to snap a pic of hubbys shirt! #favoritemovie 


Christmas jammies are on!

Nolan put out cookies and milk for Santa and some carrots for the reindeer! *we need to make a new plate... look closely!

Christmas morning and Santa really outdid, it's embarrassing, but Grammy is smiling down so proudly!








So happy! ☺️⚾️❤️

Then we headed over to Pop pops!










My sweet sister had these made for us from my talented besties Etsy shop! 

Christmas-1, Madelyn-0

Aside from the Ravens horrible performance, it was a great Christmas with our family!

Then we put them back in the same jammies they started the day in and we made our way home! 

Merry Christmas ~ 2016

And while I am posting a million pictures, Maddie girls first snow was several days later! ❄️