
Sunday, May 28, 2017

Dear Nolan ~ 5 years old

Dear Nolan,

My sweet, sweet Nolie. Five years old. A whole hand! ✋️ What a year it has been. Where do I even begin?



The biggest change this past year was that you have rocked everything about being a big brother. You are so patient with Madelyn. You love playing with her, kissing her, hugging her and most of all, holding her...when she let's you. You teach her so much. You made up song and dance forever ago and she dances to it and tries to copy the motions you have taught her and tries to sing along, "Yum, yum, yum, ba, ba, ba, ba, yee yee!"  


You had the best year at preschool. You learned so much. You are writing, reading and pretty much amazing us on the daily. You made so many new friends and have far too many girlfriends. You love when we are in the car and give you letters so you can sound out the word. You like to ask for seven or eight letter words! You love learning! With that, we have also learned you are a perfectionist. You like everything to be right and always want to be correct. You are a perfectionist mixed with competitive. Awhile, it will (hopefully) lead to a lot of success in the future for you we keep trying to tell you that it's ok to get things wrong, make a mistake and lose, but you like structure, order and...winning.😬


Speaking of winning, as you turn five years old I can honestly say your love for baseball is without a doubt still there. Perhaps it's even stronger than it was before. You always have a bat, ball or glove in your hand. You study the game. You play, play, play and when you aren't you want to watch it or talk about it. You ask so many questions about it and seriously take it all in. You still love to dress like a baseball player. Your favorite articles of clothing consist of jerseys, full uniform with belt or sleeveless shirts (suns out guns out 💪). 



Your laughter is contagious. You are a goofball and you keep us grinning from ear to ear. You love making silly faces, silly noises or making up silly words. 

(Wearing your sisters hat and sunglasses) 

You finally eat more food!! It took 5 years and having a sister that eats everything to make you try so many more new foods. Awhile you are still picky, you at least try new things!! That's a win in my book. 🙌  Favorite foods consist of yogurt, Mac and cheese, sprinkle donuts, chicken nuggets and grapes. 

You love your sleep. Majority of the weekday mornings I have to wake you up. Your routine is to ask me where daddy is in a whiny voice (which you know the answer to) and then you drink a cup of milk awhile watching mutt and stuff in our bed. You do this every single morning. The best is when you are still super tired and snuggly and I have a few extra minutes before I have to wake up your sister to cuddle with you! 


I honestly can't remember our life without you. You (and your sister) complete us! I cant even remember what our weekends used to look like. To us, weekends are full of trips to the baseball field, playgrounds and well, Target and Costco (ha!). 


I hope turning 5 is full of so many new adventures for you! Kindergarten, perhaps a loose tooth and who knows what else? We are so excited to continue to watch you grow, learn and accomplish so many new achievements. 


We love you to the moon and back sweet boy. Forever and ever and ever. 💙

Happy 5th Birthday, Nolan James! 



Monday, May 15, 2017

Ladybug Themed 1st Birthday Party -Part 1

We felt it was only fitting to have Madelyn's birthday party theme be ladybugs since we have called her "Buggy" and "Maddie Bug" since day 1. I owe the majority of cute decorations to my talented sister because she seriously made all my Pinterest dreams come to life. I happily pinned away and she responded back "we can do that", "that's easy, no problem". I lack the crafty bone, and looked at her like she was completely nutso, but she proved me wrong and awhile she did say "we" could do it, it truthfully was her. All, her. So, thank you Alaina for making Maddie's party PERFECT.

Our birthday girl!! Tutu made by Aunt Lainy! 

Let's start with the dessert table!!
Alaina made Maddie's smash cake and hand painted and crafted the ONE letters in front of the cake. Everything you see here she made. The cake, the banner, the letters. She did it all!🐞

All the dips!! Spinach dip, buff dip, onion dip, apple dip, veggie dip. Seriously, so many yummy dip choices, thank you Alaina, Jamie, Aun, Grandma and Grandpa! 

I spray painted Nolan's chair from yellow to red and made the banner for the tray! 

I was so obsessed with the dessert table! From Alaina's homemade cake for Maddie complete with her name on a hanging banner, to the cupcake cake that was perfectly put together and the yummy dirt cake complete with little ladybugs on top! 

All the yummy food!! The biggest hit was the philly soft pretzel tray in the front! Thank you to my wonderful PA family (Aunt Peggy, Uncle Mark and Aunt Joanne) for traveling to MD for the party and providing the delicious, extremely popular soft pretzel tray! 

Centerpiece crafted once again by my sister!! And there was another one by the front door! ❤️ 

Alaina insisted we could make chocolate covered ladybugs, and so we did! I was very impressed and proud of us!! 🐞 

This is my favorite!! Our beautiful mantle with Maddie's monthly photos banner hanging from it! 😍 I do think it turned out awesome! 

And then all the outdoor fun! So much bouncing! 

So, so much bouncing! 

Maddie is holding a soft pretzel. Majority of Maddie's picks are her holding or eating food. 😂 So appropriate for this one. 



Sorry. Soo obsessed with it! 
And a closer look at each masterpiece, 
Dirt cake! 
Madelyn's cupcake cake. 
My favorite, her smash cake!! 

The party favors were bug catchers, complete with a chocolate covered ladybug pretzel! 

Maddie bug eating! 

This little boy looks after Maddie each day at daycare! I love his reports about her. Maddie drank milk. Maddies too tiny to jump in the bounce house. Maddie tiny baby! 

My Nolie! 

I noticed he made sure to park himself next to Aunt Gin! And it looks like Uncle Mark may be thinking about snatching a pretzel from him! 😉

The Vonellas! 

The Jacksons!

Girls pic, oh wait Anth get in!

The Hastings! 

The Ainsworth girls! 

Handsome Connor boo! Connor turned 2 just 1 day before Maddie's birthday! They are practically birthday twins! 😉

Not too sure what to do at first..

Big brother will help! 

I love this!

Now she got the hang of it!! 










Sharing with mommy! 

All done!

Nope, screaming for more. 

Birthday girl gets what she wants. 


Spoiled rotten. 

What would we do without our Aunt Lainy. She is our everything!!! 💕💕💕

And Maddie is obsessed with her!!

Sweet, baby Tucker! He is an ANGEL. 

The Demers! 



Love my sissy boo so much!!!

There are about 200 more pictures and I will post them all shortly!! That is if you all made it this far down the post!! 

But before I end this post, I do want to say THANK YOU to our dear family and friends for making Madelyn's 1st birthday so perfect!!