
Monday, November 13, 2017

Dear Madelyn ~ 18 months

Dear Maddie girl, 

Oh baby, you are so busy. Like b u s y. You love to move, wander and explore. Climbing and being upside down are amongst your favorites. You are an adventure seeker and teach me daily how much spunk can be inside such a tiny little human. 


You keep us on our toes girlfriend. In your 18 months, here are just a few things you have done that your brother has never or yet to ever do...

⭐️Eat broccoli. You love that stuff!
⭐️Color on the wall. πŸ™ˆ
⭐️Splash water repetitively all over your face and not be bothered in the slightest.
⭐️Try to eat crayons
⭐️Climb shit you aren’t supposed to climb (ok, he probably has, but seriously you are half monkey) 

You and your brother are very much opposites. And we LOVE it. Although, you have never been one to snuggle and cuddle. He will grab a blanket, climb on the couch and say “mommy, lets snuggle together” all the time! I do wish I could steal some snuggles from you. You, however do love to give hugs, and I absolutely love receiving them from you.



You love shoes. Again, I didn’t realize such a tiny little human could love shoes so much and be so opinionated on them, but you do and you are! I feel I must document how you call shoes, “douche”. It’s so funny and yet so...cute. 



You love to sit and play with your toys. Your favorites are coloring, the play kitchen, tea party set, cars and a ball. You will sit and color for 20 minutes, and then you are normally getting into trouble because you are sneakily trying to eat a crayon, or color on a wall. Otherwise, coloring happily. 


You love to help. Whether it’s putting things away, cleaning up, vacuuming, throwing something away, or putting away dishes. You are always offering your help. 


You still sleep with piggy and Minnie. You have recently added your newest love, Elmo. Nolie gave you his Elmo stuffed animal he got when he went to Sesame Place back when he was 2. He happily gave it to you and it has brought you so much joy. 


At 18 months you remain an itty bitty peanut, but you are growing perfectly! You are weighing in at 20.15 lbs - 25% and 31.3 in - 33% tall. 


Baby girl, your personality and smile are so contagious. Stay sweet, silly, wild and sassy. Your brother is over the moon in love with you. He protects you, loves to help you, plays with you and has all the patience with you. You complete us sweet buggy! We love, love, love you with all our hearts! ❤️

I love you✨



Thursday, November 2, 2017

An extra busy fallπŸƒπŸ‚πŸ

November is already here? Didn’t school just start? Oh yea, about that.. I have a kindergartener! Nolan is loving school and doing great with his new adjustment. I can’t believe he is already old enough for Kindergarten, but he is learning so much and reminding me everyday that he is indeed that old. It seems like September was forever ago (probably because it was), but here’s a look at my kindergarteners first day!



How handsome are my boys? I am so lucky πŸ˜πŸ€ 

Little sister wanted in on the fun!
And she was all, “hey, look at me being cute!”


This picture just made my heart burst with happiness. Silly faces with your kindergarten teacher on the first day reassured me that we made the right decision to stay at the school he is at! πŸ’š He has had such great experiences up to this point and each of his teachers have been wonderful!

Fast forward a little bit and we have had quite a few months. Madelyn is growing at rapid speed (ok, she is still tiny, but you know what I mean). She finally got another tooth with 1 more on the way. That puts her at tooth #7 and almost #8. She is still obsessed with anything and everything her big Bro does! It’s adorable now, but I know it’s only a matter of time before Nols starts to dislike it! 😬 

Hence, the catchers mask. She loves all Nols things! 

Our fall was jammed pack with a visit to daddy’s new school, fall baseball, farms, apple picking, pumpkins and a whole lot of fun in between! 


Our first farm trip was to Gaver Farm!




The cutest little slugger!
This is Nolan’s 5th season playing in a league and 3rd in coach pitch. He can’t get enough of it either!

We snuck in a few more O’s games before the season wrapped up. 

Fall ball with friends! ❤️

Coach daddy!

Apple picking 🍎🍏







Post apple picking trip to target...
Ryan scared the πŸ’© out of Nols. πŸ˜‚ 

Freezing time in these moments.πŸ’œ

Maddie and I missed Nolan’s school fall festival, but he was obviously not missing us! He had a blast running around with his school friends! 

With fall comes the dreaded flu shots. Those faces say it all.

Truck or treat!







Pumpkin picking! Oops, sorry about the pumpkin patch kiddos 😳😬🀣 They didn’t even realize though!πŸŽƒ





Pumpkin carving! Nolan drew the face, daddy did the carving! 

Maddie wanted to help, it forced Nolan to help too! 

No hesitation out of her. She dove right in. 

They don’t stay still.

Halloween party and parade at school! 

The face you make when you spot your baby sister at your parade!




Happy Halloween 2017



First time for buggy trick or treating!

Nolan is so sweet and patient with her! He’s the best big brother! πŸ’™

Our Halloween was a little bit different this year due to a certain little one who developed croup. ☹️ We visited the pediatrician early Halloween morning. They diagnosed her and then sadly I had to cancel our Halloween tradition with our besties.  Thankfully with croup the cool air helped our poor buggy in the evening. She was able to trick or treat at a few houses for her very first time! 

But having been at the pediatrician the week prior for flu shots did not make this an easy trip. She was not a happy camper at all to be back. 😬 

Even though we couldn’t spend Halloween with our besties and Nolan made a point to say Halloween wouldn’t be any fun without them, I think they still had a great night! And they were extra surprised when their Aunt Lainy cane over to trick or treat with us. She’s the best auntie! ❤️

I had to take advantage and dress Maddie in the monster costume this year! 

Nolan 4 years ago, Maddie bug today!

Nolan through the years!

Maddie bug!

Both cuties together!

This fall came and went, 
This wild hair describes our Maddie to the fullest.

And our Nolie LOVES nothing more than to always make us laugh!

They both keep us on our toes.❤️

This fall we did say our goodbyes to Fiona. RIP sweet girl! We love you Fifi. πŸΆπŸ’•