
Friday, December 21, 2012

Dear Nolan,

Dear Nolan,
You are getting so big, so fast! We had your 6 month check up (Yes, you are 6 ½ months already, but it is the earliest appointment we could get) yesterday and you were a little champ. You had to get 3 shots. After the first shot you cried, and then the next one you continued to cry. The third shot hurt you the most and left you sobbing. Right after the nurse finished both Daddy and I consoled you. You calmed down pretty quickly and were fast asleep by the time you were in the car to go home.
You are weighing in at 17 lbs 4 ozs (37%) and 27.8 inches long (82%). I call you my little string bean!
You are eating real foods now (which is making for interesting diapers now…). You have had squash, which is your favorite. You have also had green beans, peas and this week we introduced carrots. Like the peas, you are not a fan of carrots. You are such a picky eater (like your mama) and you haven’t even been exposed to many foods yet.

The other night we were in your room playing and I put you on your little slide. You decided to start to scoot and figured out how to go down the slide! It was beyond adorable to watch you scoot forward with your arms out to me. No matter what you do, you always have me smiling. Watching you sit and play with all your toys amazes me. You figured out that the wheels on cars and trucks spin. You love toy rings. You actually prefer to not have a toy clipped to them. You like to pull them apart. When you play in your exersaucer we hang rings around each hook and you work your way around each one ripping all of the rings off.  
You still do not have too big of an interest in crawling, but I am not too worried about that. Mommy and daddy aren’t ready to baby proof the house yet. You will last about a minute on your belly before fussing, but will sit or stand up and play forever. Daddy thinks you are going to skip crawling.
You love dogs. You think that Chuggins is hilarious. You look for him and will crack up laughing when he barks.

You love music, specifically Bob Marley. This past week when we were dancing you started to bounce along. Adorable. 

No teeth yet.


Nolan meets Santa Claus
Christmas 2012

And some pictures to show what we have been up to lately:
Christmas crafts that Nolan & Aunt Ginnie made!
Handprinted Santa and MistleTOES

Nolan's cousin, Lincoln turned 4 years old! This is the best/least blurry picture I got of him...
I guess I can look forward to plenty of pictures like this is my future ;)

Christmas parties!
Nolan has not partaken in

Sunday swimming at the gym awhile Daddy plays basketball

Morning playtime awhile getting ready for work/daycare

Nolan's has added lunch time cereal to his afternoon.
This was his first time eating cereal with Aunt Ginnie

Shopping with my adorable Goddaughter and her mama!
Quinny is "throwing her hands in the air, and waving them like she just don't care" haha, love her!

Saturday morning trip to the Amish Market to meet Aunt Callie and GF Dylan

Amish Market

Nolan getting kisses from Chuggy

Yes, its December, but in this house we are always ready for baseball season!

Sitting, playing, looking handsome, you know..the usual! 

His cuteness kills me

Nolan asking Roxy if he can sit in her dog bed!


When did you get so big and feed yourself so easily?  

1 comment:

  1. HOLY MOTHER THIS BABY IS BEYOND ADORABLE. Like seriously, I know I say this every time I see him, but FOR SERIOUS. The pictures of him at the doctor kill me! He looks so big!!!

    Ps. Quinn hasn't stopped with the hands since that day! haha!
