Dear Nolan,
Happy 21 months! This month, just like all the others, went by way too quickly. You continue to amaze us every day. This past month was all about the ABC's, taking off your socks, sitting on your potty and teddy bear!
You love to sing songs. We have the Wee Sing Kid's Songs cd in my car and you love it. Last night, mommy and daddy went out with some friends and I found myself singing 'ring around the rosy' to which your daddy then realized we could probably turn off the cd since you were home with Grandma and Grandpa. Apparently, the songs are catchy! Your favorites to sing are, 'Rain, Rain Go Away', 'ABC's', 'Ring Around the Rosy', 'Pop Goes the Weasel' and 'Teddy Bear'. You actually have the order of the songs memorized on the cd and will tell me what is about to come on right before it does.
We are starting to get your little tummy issues under control. You have to have benefiber in your water or milk daily and it seems to be helping. This month we also switched your vitamin from the liquid dropper to the chewable toddler vitamins. You love them and it is actually sad that you are old enough for them, well...pretty much everything now.
Every single time you are in the car you like to take off your shoes and your socks. Seriously, every single time. You actually have made a game out of it and like to throw them over the seat and into the trunk. I have to open the trunk and get your socks and shoes whenever we get somewhere. Is it summer yet? I am over socks, and shoes for that matter. Whenever you get your shoes into the trunk you cheer, "Yay, Nolan! I did it!" It's cute, but having to put your socks and shoes back on every car trip is not.
We bought a potty a little while ago and have never forced you to sit on it or anything. You seem to like it right from the start, but refused to have your diaper off. This month, you were introduced to M&M's and you are willing to take your diaper off to sit on the potty as a result. In fact, you say "Sit, potty, chocolate". You have not actually gone to the bathroom on your potty yet, but you seem to try. Just yesterday, you were done trying to go potty and walked out of the bathroom. You normally follow me into the living room for a clean diaper, but this time you didn't. My diaperless child, you went into the pantry, grabbed the Cheerios and then peed everywhere. So close to going on the potty, but needless to say, we threw away a box of Cheerios. Maybe you were trying to aim? Anyways, I learned my lesson and you now either lead the way to the diaper or get a new one in the bathroom.
We have been going to My Gym every Saturday morning and you love it. You can do all the little stretches, but refuse to do them on your own at the class. You will do them around the house with mommy and daddy though. You are still hesitant on some of the practice skills. Yesterday you were playing in the ball pit and we were quizzing you on colors and you got a nice compliment from another parent for doing so well.
At 21 months, you know your ABC's, count to 10 on your own (try to go to 20), know basic colors and shapes, love stacking blocks, basketball and baseball are you favorite, cars and trucks are equally as exciting, reading books especially Dora, Spot and I love trains, PAINT, and play-doh!
For Valentine's Day we got you a teddy bear with Hershey kisses attached to him. I would say you love your teddy bear because of the chocolate, but you have had 1 Hershey kiss since we gave him to you. You have not let your teddy bear out of sight. It is adorable. You sleep with teddy bear, eat with him, play with him and even shoot him in the basketball hoop. You have never really had an attachment to a stuffed animal or blanket, but now you seem to be very attached to teddy bear. You give him kisses and cuddles.
I can not believe you will be 2 years old in 3 months. You are growing so fast, and you are so much fun! You are hilarious, and you know it. You always make us laugh so hard.
In these next few months we hope to have the paci fairy visit you so that he can give your pacifiers to another baby that needs them, but I have a feeling that may be harder than we think. Continue to surprise us little boy!
We love you so much!
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Nolan and Olivia attempted sledding together and Nolan slid right off the sled. These two are too cute together! |
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Yup, teddy bear is eating too... |
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This month baby Carter was born!! After a long wait, our friends Kim and Brent and there son, Colby are now a family of 4!! Congrats, she's precious!!! 2/18/14 |
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Happy 1st birthday, Harper!! |
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