Dear Nolan,
In just one month you will officially be 2 years old, or as you like to say “I gonna be two later” and you hold up your two little fingers up proudly. :) In this past month we have fully experienced what is referred to as the “terrible- twos.” You my child are a little sour patch kid. You can go from Mr. Attitude to the sweetest loving little boy in the drop of a dime. You can be the biggest grump ball and spend alot (and I mean A LOT) of time in time out, or you can be so helpful and follow direction so nicely. I am glad you are getting this out of the way now because I am hopeful that it will be smooth sailing once you understand. Then again, I guess it isn’t a short process getting a child to understand that they need to listen to Mommy and Daddy. Oh man, bring on the wine or in your case, whine.
Attitude and all, we continue to have so much fun with you. I love having little conversations with you. It is so amazing to listen to you tell me about your day. Once of my favorite things that you sayabout everything we do is referring to it as “time”. What I mean by that is, if it is time to watch a TV show you excitedly say, “TV time” or “playground time,”“milk time,” “book time,” everything. It is cute! You also like to narrate your life in the third person. Everything is always, Nolan do this and Nolan do that.
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You are learning to cover your mouth when you cough.You say bless you when someone sneezes and you are learning to blow your nose! Seriously, teaching a child to blow their nose is so difficult, but you are starting to get it!
You love to jump. You love to show off how you can balance on one foot when holding on to something. You have done a somersault a few times, but are still perfecting it. You like to find your shadow and then say hi to it. You love sports. When there is a sport on TV you always ask to play it. When we walk by a court, you want to play on it. Just the other day we walked by a tennis court and you asked to “play that.” You are curious, and I love it. You sit and observe and soak everything in. This is why I think you have an awesome baseball swing and you aren’t even two yet. Because you watch, listen and are determined. You went to your first Orioles game of the season with daddy and lasted 5 innings then told daddy you wanted to go home and take a nap.
I think I have blogged about your eating habits on every monthly post I have done for you, and here we are at 23 months and I will report that you still are super picky. You LOVE macaroni and cheese, but seriously who doesn’t? You have a few other foods we can get in you, but veggies are still nearly impossible. Actually your daddy and I trick you and we make you pizzas and macaroni and everything and will mix pureed veggies into them and you haven’t seemed to notice. So you do get some in you, but I wish we could get more in you.
My dear sweet constipated little boy, we may have finally found the solution to your lack of pooping. Miralax powder aka the miracle powder. Yes, it is a laxative, but used correctly and moderately we have got you to poop six days in a row. This may be TMI for those that read this blog, but if you have a child that does NOT poop then you know how AMAZING this accomplishment is! We have honestly been going through more diapers and I couldn’t be happier! We don’t give him the Miralax every day, but we do put a little bit in his milk about once a week or so and it has been very helpful. If anything I hope it has taught him that he can go without it hurting. Once again, possibly TMI, but wanted to report this past months victory.
This is my last blog post referencing the number of months you are in age. I vowed that once you turned 2 years old I would refer to you as that age and not by months (you’re welcome, hubby!). In my opinion, I think it is ok to refer to a child in months up to 24 months because clothing is sized that way. Once you hit two years clothes are 2T, 3T, etc… and so you will be my big 2 year old. Your daddy on the other hand calls you a 1 year old now, and then will call you a 2 year old.
![]() Tonight you found a puddle and on your own you began to splash and jump in it! I love watching you explore new things! I only wish I had put your rainboots on you! ;) |
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Insisting on saying bye-bye to the puddle |
It amazes me that you will be 2 years so soon, but at the same time I can’t recall what our life was ever like without you in it.You make us so happy and bring so much joy to our lives. We are so lucky to have you as our son.
And now, bring on the party planning!
I love you sweet baby boy!
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