Half a year. That flew right on by. Our sweet Maddie girl, you are such a joy and I don't even remember what life was like without you in it (ok, I vaguely remember sleeping and running around less in the morning, but I still wouldn't have it any other way!!).
At 6 months Maddie is 15.5 lbs (32%) 26.5 in (72%) and has a big head (80%). 😃 At 6 months Nolie was 17 lbs 4 ozs (37%) and 27.8 inches long (82%). They both appear to be following in the tall and skinny department.
Buggy has been trying all kinds of new foods and seems to love them all. If I had to pick I would say sweet potato is her favorite so far! She also enjoys chomping on puffs, mum mums and her frozen teethers. She doesn't have any teeth yet. I love her little gummy smile. ☺️
Giggling is her favorite! She also loves to say "dada dada dada " over and over! She loves to play peekaboo and I swear she is starting to wave hello.
You used to sleep like a little champ, but this past month I've gotten used to your routine of bed at 7pm, wake up around 1am to nurse for 6 minutes (seriously no more, no less), back to bed and wake again around 5:30 for another 6 minute session and then back to sleep until 7ish! Some days you're good to me and skip the 5:30, but you really love that 1am. I honestly feel like I shouldn't complain because you normally stay asleep through it all. 😇 ...but mama can still wish for more sleep. 😴
You love taking in everything this crazy world has to offer and we love watching you grow into such a big girl. You're big brother loves to play with you and make you smile. The other day he told me he can't wait to teach you to play baseball and tennis. You have a sports filled future ahead little girl. I hope you're ready because Nolan can't wait for you to be able to play with him!
You are such a happy little bug and we love you to pieces!!!
First time in a high chair at a restaurant and shopping cart
And a few more pics of the cuteness,