Friday, January 22, 2016

We're having another baby!!

Its a girl. <3

Honestly, there was a time I thought I might never have the chance again to say those sweet words, "we're having a baby!", but after a very long journey, doctors visits and tests, amazing friends by our side and lots of patience we are already over halfway through the pregnancy. Way back in June 2014 we went through that horrible, horrible day of finding out the news I had miscarried, going through a laparotomy emergency surgery and praying that one day we would recover from it all and be blessed with another little stinker to grow our family. What we didn't know is how long the wait would be. With Nolan, it was all so easy. That talk of let's have a baby, the fast success and the oh so smooth (taken for granted) pregnancy. When I think back, I must say it really was a breeze.

Talks of baby #2 came about and this was back in March 2014. We thought to ourselves we've done this before, give it a few months and we will be seeing those two little pink lines in no time. After recovering in June and taking time to heal, we were finally ready to begin the process all over. About 6 months in to trying my doctor recommended different tests for me. It was sooner than "normal" but he wanted to make sure everything was working properly. I had an HSG where they basically shoot dye through your tubes and make sure they aren't blocked and if they slightly are it can clear them. Painfully I passed that test, but a few months later and still no success I really began to wonder what was wrong. Trying not to stress, using ovulation tests and different phone apps to track everything nothing seemed to work. A few exams later and the same "passing" results I was put on Chlomid. I had a friend who had just recently used Chlomid and had success so I too felt very hopeful. It was on my 3rd and final cycle and with the whole "I quit trying" mentality that before I knew it I was about a week and a half late on my period (because let's admit it I refused to take pregnancy tests and waste my money after like month 7 or so) I was in denial but quietly took a test. I didn't tell Ryan, I just did it myself because why get anyone else's hopes up to be shot right back down. I honestly think I paced in the bathroom waiting. I also feel like it felt like 20 minutes of waiting and when I knew I could look I still didn't. In a moment all your hopes can be taken away and I thought to myself what had I done. It was more exciting thinking about the possibility than actually having to read the result. I braced myself and when I looked at the test my eyes watered up. Shock. Two pink lines. Of course, my next thought was oh no, is there such thing as false positives? But then all those super adorable ideas I pinterested about doing to tell your husband you're pregnant in a cute way flew out the door. I ran back into the bedroom, pretty much jumped on the bed and threw a pee stick at him smiling. Romantic right?

After that I wasted away our money and used like 3 more tests. I don't actually know if the Chlomid helped, or if it was all just the right timing but I do know that was the beginning of being blessed with our newest addition to the family.

During those long months of waiting, I prayed for nausea, vomiting and anything else miserable that comes along with pregnancy and I received it. Thankfully knowing you are pregnant really keeps you going because lord, it was so different from Nolan. My first full dose of morning sickness is when I swore that this baby was a little girl. The morning sickness subsided around week 13. (Thank goodness, I don't know how some women do it all the way through, power to you!!!) After that, I have been feeling good. I wasn't going to "facebook announce" my pregnancy for a lot of different reasons, but hearing my best friends tell me they wanted me to because they wanted me to receive that support from the fb world I decided I would work up my announcement. With the help of my bestie, Aunnie she made Nolan an adorable 'Big Brother' shirt in Disney font (she is seriously so crafty!) and we would take the announcement photo in the most magical place on earth, very fitting! Let me just tell you, I posted the announcement and then hid from facebook. I don't know why, but it was all so different this time around. I strategically posted the picture right before we stepped foot on the Disney Dream and knowing that I would be disconnected from internet for a week. When I turned my phone back on and had an out pour of congratulations I was overwhelmed and thankful I shared our little secret. Having waited until we went on vacation I was already 18 weeks pregnant. When we returned home, we only had a week and a half wait until we found out the gender!

We had planned to have family and close friends share in the moment with us! My besties, Aun and Jamie literally piled in a combined 5 children between the 2 of them into their cars and drove to my doctors appointment and waited outside in their cars for me to hand them the envelope! Let me also add, it was a monsoon that day. We quickly handed them the envelope and Ryan drove away and it took everything in my power not to look back at their car to try to gauge their reaction to ripping the envelope open! So, my appoint was at 10am, by the time we got home it was around noon and I didn't have our gender reveal until 5pm that evening! My sister and I preoccupied ourselves making food for the evening and getting my dads house ready for everyone. We had a mini tree (thanks Aunnie) and both pink and blue lights (thanks Jamie) raveled around the tree.

When both my besties found out the gender of their newest additions we each were the only ones that knew going into the reveal. I love that we all got to surprise each other in a different way! For Jamie's reveal, Aun and I went shopping for a gender specific toy for them to open up with their family on Christmas Eve. It was a toy car, it's a boy! Little Connor Matthew :) For Aunnie, Jamie and I got together and decorated a box in pink and blue and filled it with balloons! They were pink, it's a girl! Sweet Hazel Faith :) For mine, Jamie and Aun supplied all the tree lighting necessities and then they plugged in the lights. They were pink, it's a girl!!!!!!

Our reaction caught on camera, thanks Aunnie! :)

The reveal!

Let me tell you, I am so excited for bows, tutus and everything pink along the way! We are having a little girl and although Nolan was not excited initially, he is ecstatic for May to get here so he can finally meet his new baby sister!!

Due date: May 9, 2016
Gender: It's a Girl!
Morning Sickness: Yes
Cravings: Peach cups (they must be ice cold) and pineapple!
Food aversions: Yes, don't say tacos. Gag.
Heartbeat: Above 140 (Started 167 and now it ranges around 150)
Skin: Yikes, acne like Woah! Ordered my Arbonne products though, so that should be taken care of soon!
Carrying: High

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