Monday, October 17, 2016

My sweet Nolie

I haven't blogged about my Nolie in awhile so I felt an update was well overdue. 


Dear Nolan,

You are loving school just as much as you did last year. You are learning so much and having so much fun! You especially love that you have Spanish as a special this year. You also love that you get show and tell every Friday. It is themed to the "letter of the week" which makes Thursday evenings oh, so fun {insert sarcasm 😒}. We had our first parent chat and your teacher had only positive things to tell us, including that you are above grade level. She continues to challenge you with reading new books, counting down instead of up, and so much more! I love the small groups at your school which allow the teachers to give more attention to each individual student! Keep up the good work! 


We asked you if you wanted to play tee ball or coach pitch baseball this fall and you perked up with excitement and shouted that you wanted to play coach pitch. And so, we've been doing that every Thursday and Sunday. You were pretty shy in the beginning, but you are warming up. You are also holding your own playing with 5-8 year olds. Thankfully, you have your friend from school on your team too!!! 


You continue to impress us with your gentle, loving patience towards your baby sister. You are just the cutest with her. You cheer her on, you mimick how we baby talk to her and you are the best helper. You will stop playing just to give Madelyn a hug or kiss. You are the best big brother and she is so lucky to have you, as are we my sweet boy. 💙 


Life lately has consisted of realizing how much your daddy and I say "oh my God". Between us and school, we've made sure to teach you not to say it, and now without a doubt we see why you may have once or twice. You correct us. Every. Single. Time. And it's a lot. But hey, if that's the worst you say then we are doing a pretty good job.

You have an amazing personality. You are wayyyyy funny. Once you've warmed up to wherever we are, you love attention. You have the silliest dance moves and crack us up. 


Your vocabulary is ridiculous.

You are a full blown kid now. I mean you are still my preschooler for the remainder of the school year and I will soak up all your innocence, but my goodness you act so big now. 



Your favorites still continue to consist of anything with a ball, all things sports, reading different words, playing school, kissing your sister, collecting baseball cards and your "guys" (teeny mates) watching Mutt & Stuff and Super Why and talking nonstop. 


We love you so much, big boy!!!!



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