Wednesday, May 10, 2017

One year check up!

Maddie's one year check up
18.1 lbs - 23%
28.8 in - 34% ---- they didn't like her growth for height so redid it 4 time and the last time they "stretched" her out which I think just moved her on the mat and she was 29.5 in - 65% and they were happy with that. 

Regardless, she's a peanut. 

Just like her brother was, only she is 2 lbs lighter! 


For getting 4 shots Maddie was a trooper. She cried, well she screamed, but she calmed down pretty quickly. She is a tough little cookie. This morning she decided to start to take her little bandaids off all on her own. No crying, although she was upset when I took them from her. Maddie's vocabulary at 12 months,

Uh oh
Ball - pretty sure she calls Nolan ball too! 
All done 
Dada - she hasn't said it in awhile though 
Mama - she hasn't said it in awhile though 

Maddie loves food! We hear more a lot at dinner time! She eats pretty much everything which is great! She has even gotten Nols to try new foods as a result of her trying them! 


Maddie had her 3rd tooth break through just before her birthday. Her 4th one is currently breaking through too! In fact, the tops of her gums are swollen because all 4 of her top ones are coming at once! 

She is such a wild child! Like full on wild. She loves to move and scream and get into anything and everything she isn't supposed to. She puts everything and I mean everything in her mouth. She is so far opposite of her brother, it's funny. 


At one year she doesn't really sleep through the night, but I think those teeth coming through have something to do with it. It's a work in progress, but waking up with her and nursing her is ok because before I know it she will be sleeping through the night and those middle of the night feeds will be forever gone. 



She isn't walking yet, but will with her walker or holding our hands. She doesn't really have a desire to yet, and I am going to enjoy my crawling get into everything baby as long as I can. Once she is off and running...we're screwed. 😉


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