Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Remote Control

Nolan's new obsession...the remote control. He will look past all of his toys and find the remote control. He loves it. Yes, he changes the channels and turns up and down the volume. We have not yet have any language changes that we are unable to fix.....yet ;)

My boy is such a little angel baby. On Saturday, he came with me to my friend, Jamie's baby shower. I was a little hesitant because I did not want to have a screaming baby awhile she was opening up her adorable baby gifts. Well, the morning started off with Nolan waking up, eating, playing and going down for his morning nap. He gave me time to get dressed and even straighten my hair. He woke up and played awhile I finished packing up his diaper bag and then we were on our way. When we arrived Nolan just stared at everyone, taking in all the new faces. He received hugs and kisses from his future wifey, Quinn. She was so cute and held his hand pretty much the entire time he was awake. He let me eat, and then fell asleep in my arms awhile Jamie opened her presents. I feared when he would awake that he would be so hungry that he would scream for his bottle. He woke up, happy and didn't shed a tear. He just waited until I got his bottle and fed him. Basically, I need to give my baby more credit because really he is an awesome baby!!!!

I was off work and got to spend the day with my little man on Monday for Veteran's Day. We went and hung out with Pop Pop for a little bit and then on Monday night we went and got some family portraits taken! Ha! I had a groupon I purchased from Picture People so we used it to get some holiday photos. The pictures of Nolan turned out adorable, but the ones with Ryan and I...not so much. We bought the CD with all the pictures, but were upset to find out that we only got 15 pictures out of all the ones she took! They edited the photos and they chose the best picure from each pose. I wish they would have given us all of them because our Christmas photo of the family is Nolan looking down and me with a double chin. Awesome.

I will upload some picture of Nolan soon! :)

1 comment:

  1. He is an angel baby!!!

    Ps. Don't bother buying the Elmo remotes or kiddie ones. Quinn always preferred the real things. Same goes for cell phones lol
