Monday, September 3, 2018

Summers Ending...

With the end of summer wrapping up, here is a LARGE photo gallery of our 4th of July, beach vacation, Zoo trip and other random fun we had.

Summer flew by with our move, attempt to get settled and realization that we have a never ending load of work ahead of us. However, the kiddos, oh boy are they so happy with the gigantic yard to play in and an extremely quiet street to ride bikes, go for walks and play lots of basketball in.

That being said, it was a big summer for my big boy. He learned to swim and got much braver in the water (finally! woo hoo!). With more space to be outside he really took to his bike, and so with that we decided to take off the training wheels and see what would happen and he quickly got it down! The thing he was probably the most excited about though, his first lost tooth. He lost his tooth on vacation and then at the end of the August his second tooth came out and he has been proudly smiling with that gap in his mouth since. I can't get over how old he is and how quickly he is growing up. We are getting ready to start another new adventure with him as he will be going to a new school this year and even be riding the bus. 😬 I don't know if I am ready for all this, but we are making sure to hype him up to be. 🤗

Riding his bike, learning to swim, losing his teeth. Where is the time going?! 

AND THIS ONE. Loves her piggy, "purple mail", has being using the potty and wore big girl undies a few times so far! Please stop growing now!!

Showing off her big girl underwear! 

Hopefully our last trip to the pediatrician for a round of antibiotics for the big one. Tonsils come out at the end of the month!

And tomorrow, this boy will be headed to a brand new school where his first grade adventures will begin. He will make even more new friends, ride the school bus and no longer have a school uniform. Mommy knows nothing about public schools and would have loooooved to keep him in the private school he was at, but with the move to Howard County and being districted for a blue ribbon school that just seemed way too silly not take advantage of the wonderful learning opportunities ahead. I know he's probably nervous, but I am not going to lie, so am I. 

Nolan, you are such a brave, smart, sweet little boy. I have no doubt that you will have the absolute best day tomorrow and be so excited to go back. Sorry in advance for when mommy stalks your school bus and watches you walk into school tomorrow. I will be waiting to get you off the school bus in the afternoon and can't wait to hear all about your first day of first great. Now, lets continue the sports filled day you requested complete with eating ice cream outside on your last day of summer. Good luck tomorrow! <3
Love, Mommy

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