Monday, April 1, 2013

Dear Nolan

Dear Nolan,


Today you turned 10 months old. Time is just flying by, and you my little sponge are just learning so much! Everyday you amaze me more and more. You love to talk. Your vocabulary at 10 months consist of, "mama", "dada", "hi", "uh oh", "thank you", "dog", "chug" and you most recently added, "up". Granted these words aren't clear, but you definitely attempt saying them as best you can. 

You love to try to figure things out. You will try to stack your blocks and put them back inside each other. You drop things on purpose to say "uh oh". You are all over the place crawling now. You chase Chuggins around and he is doing so well at tolerating your hair grabs, or should I say "attempted petting". I think your favorite toy right now, may be your lantern. You are starting to dance when your toys sing. You learned "so big!!" and its adorable! You raise your little arms up in the air so proudly!

You absolutely love peek-a-boo. You play peek-a-boo even when no one is looking. You hid your face behind a box of cheerios in the shopping cart at Target the other day because you wanted to play peek-a-boo with me. We played and giggled throughout the store. You tried Cheerios today and you actually liked them! You are starting to like food a little bit more each day. We have to trick you into eating sometimes, but for the most part you are doing well. 

Aunt Lainy made me aware that Easter was your "last, first holiday". I just may cry. I told her we still have Mother's Day and Memorial Day (apparently they don't count because you don't buy adorable little outfits specifically for them).

Two bottom front teeth are finally making an appearance. The end of this month has not been the best sleeping month for you, but we know it is because your teeth have been bothering you. Thank goodness for baby Motrin and oral gel! 

You know what you want. I say this because you will shake your head "no" at us if you don't want something. This normally only happens when we are trying to feed you. 

You give kisses!!!!!!!!!!!! Not always, but every now and then when I ask for a kiss, you will give me one!! 

If daddy or I asks you for a puff, you will feed it to us. It's cute! 

Your laugh is contagious.

Baby boy, you amaze us more each day. You are seriously the most amazing little blessing and we love you so much!!!



Hayden and Nolan sitting in (and fitting in) a mixing bowl and are helping us make Easter cakes! ;)

 Easter morning: 3/31/13

The Easter bunny visited Nolie!

Tired, no makeup and crazy hair.

My sweet little bunny!

Is this a new O's bat?!!

Loving his new toys!

Ry got artsy with the camera

He was talking nonstop! 

Happy 1st Easter handsome boy!

Can you see those little teeth coming in??

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