Thursday, January 2, 2014

Dear Nolan ~ 19 Months

Dear Nolan,
Here we are in 2014. Time continues to fly by as I mention on every post. You are growing into such a handsome little boy and you have quite a personality.
Yesterday was New Years Day and in the morning when I came into your room to get you out of your crib I said Happy New Year to you to which you responded, “Merry Christmas!” It was a very cute and considering how many times I had you say Merry Christmas to everyone just one week prior it made perfect sense.
This past month was the month of putting words together and making little sentences. You talk nonstop. Well, to mommy and daddy you talk nonstop. You are a shy little boy and cling to your mommy when we go somewhere that you are unfamiliar with. You need to warm up to new a place which is ok because both your daddy and I were the same exact way when we were little. The “mama’s” and “dada’s” are turning into “mommy” and “daddy”.  My favorite phrase you say right now would be “Mommy, where are you?” and then when you find me “Right there!” or “I see you!”
Santa brought you a basketball hoop for Christmas and you love it. You shoot around daily and it makes daddy very happy. You still do a lot of stuff predominantly left handed (which makes mommy very happy!) including eating, coloring and throwing. In fact, you don’t eat well with your right hand at all. I know they say that your dominant hand isn’t established at such an early age, but your right hand has a lot of catching up to do if you are in fact a righty.
Since the day we introduced food to you it has been a challenge and wouldn’t you know at 19 months it remains to be a challenge. I think if you had it your way you would eat pizza, cookies and cheese every day. You request pizza for every meal. You hate vegetables and refuse pouches now. In other words, we really struggle to get a single vegetable in you. Dinner times can be amazing or exhausting depending on your mood. I wish so badly I could put anything in front of you and you would just scarf it down. As an infant you were not really one to put your mouth all over toys. Don’t get me wrong, you did do it, but it just wasn’t constant. I don’t feel like I always had to stop you from eating something you shouldn’t be eating. I should see if there is a study out there that correlates that to baby eating habits. I think there is something connected. In other words, you never really showed an interest in eating everything and although you beg for snacks all day long (and we don’t always give them to you) you don’t show a big interest when we put a meal in front of you. Maybe 19 months will be the breakthrough month where you decide you like to eat! Maybe.
You love your cousins, especially Lincoln. When we rock you at night you like us to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ we always ask you who we should sing it too and 99.9% of the time you say Lincoln. Speaking of rocking and singing, you my lovebug have melted my heart all over because this past month you decided that you like to cuddle and rock a little bit before going to bed. I love it. We sit, we rock and we sing a few songs after reading books and then you go right to bed.
There is so much more going on with you because you are growing at rapid speed. I wish I could just freeze in this moment because this may just be the most adorable age ever. I am sorry that I constantly have a camera in your face both taking pictures and recording videos. I just don’t want to miss anything.
I can’t wait to see what 2014 has in store! I love you baby boy with all my heart!

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