Friday, August 2, 2013

Dear Nolan - 14 Months

Dear Nolan,

This past week you turned 14 months old. Oh my, how fast time continues to fly bye. This past Monday (July 29th) out of nowhere you decided that it would be a good time to walk for roughly 15-20 steps. Prior to this I think your record was 2. Granted you were holding on to Chuggins leash because you insist on walking him now, but nonetheless you were not holding on to daddy or my hand. It counted in our book. Who knows if you will do it again anytime soon, but it was seriously amazing watching you walk like a little grown person. You daddy was laughing at me because I just kept repeating, “oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” I was so shocked that I didn’t remember to grab the camera and record it in time, but I got a picture of you post walk, standing and holding on to Chugs leash.

You love your doggy. Seriously, you tackle your dog and he is so amazing and patient with you. There is an occasional growl because he wants you to remember that he is there, but otherwise you tug and pull on him and Chug just lays there and takes it. I was so worried about how Chuggy would handle us bringing you home and each day I think he loves you more and more. Whenever we come home, the minute we open the door you say “GEE!” (Chuggy) and get so excited to see him.

We have to work on walking Chuggins because you insist on shaking the leash to make him walk which is fine, but then you throw the leash and think it’s funny. Mama looks foolish running after the leash every 2 seconds baby boy, so please stop throwing it!

Food. I laugh at all the posts I wrote about your hatred of food. Seriously, they are humorous to me because now if we say “hungry”, “eat”, “food” or any other word that associates to eating you will beg on command. You will also crawl over to your basket of bibs grab on and go to your high chair. You love to eat. I don’t remember the last meal I ate on my own. I love sharing with you though. J

Talking has never been a problem for you. You communicate so well, but you do get frustrated easily. A few new words you say a lot are, “up”, “down”, “off”, “apple” and “juice”. You actually do a really good job of stressing the letters. For example, you say “up-pa” for “up”. My favorite is “hat” because you stress the “t” so well at the end! You love to talk, squeal, yell at Chug and giggle. You have a new obsession of turning on and off the light switches. Granted you can’t reach them unless we are holding you, but the minute you do see one you are pretty persistent.    

Grandma taught you a song where you take your little finger and circle it around in our palms. If we hold our hand out to you the first thing you will do is start twirling your finger in a circle for us to sing.

This month you learned where your belly is! You also enjoy waving to everyone. Whenever we take you out of the bath you wave bye to all your bath toys. We say “bye bye” to a lot of stuff before we leave places now.
You shake your head no at pretty much everything. If I asked you if you wanted the coolest, most amazing, biggest toy in the toy store, you would shake no. However, if I said anything about food you would say “eee-yeaaah” or a noise like that!

Watching you grow is simply amazing. You are a little boy of routine. Bedtime is a breeze with you. I think because you are so into routine it is a bit difficult transitioning you from your bottle to only a sippy cup, but we are working on it.

Mommy and daddy love you so much my little sweetheart.



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