Friday, August 16, 2013

Last week of summer

Last week was Ryan’s last week of summer. Deep down he always thinks I am celebrating the day he goes back to work, but honestly this year I was not celebrating. Ok, I may have just admitted that in the past years I would celebrate, but c’mon waking up and going to work when the hubby is still sound asleep in bed is no fun at all. This summer was different. Ryan still worked at the golf course this summer because we kept Nolan in his part-time daycare. On the days Nolan was not in daycare it was daddy and Nolan days. Cue the insane amount of jealousy. But honestly, it was adorable receiving millions of pictures and videos throughout my day. I loved seeing all the new things Ryan was teaching to Nolan and then the excitement on both of their faces when I would come home. Although I have yet to hear Ryan screech with excitement in the same manner that Nolan does. My daily greeting would usually take place out on the front steps. Nolan would watch my car pull up and then a big smile would sprout on his face. Now we are back to routine and that means I work until 5pm again. Dinner is underway when I walk in the door, toddler is destroying the house and the dog is begging for Ryan to drop dinner.
One of my many daily pictures :)
Another reason I am sad that Ryan is back to work is because I have to reconfigure my workout schedule. I loved waking up at 4:30am on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays to go spinning! Ok, I didn’t love the waking up part, but I loved the class! I have an awesome workout buddy, Marietta and she has helped me to stay motivated! Is it sad that I went through the school calendar and highlighted all Monday, Wednesday and Fridays that Ryan does not have school so I know when I can attend the class? I think we have figured out for me to keep Wednesday and Fridays, but I have to leave the class early. Oh well, it’s better than nothing! And here we go…I am also officially one of those moms that write an email when she wants her working mom schedule accommodated. In other words, I emailed the gym and requested late evening group classes after my child goes to bed. They of course told me they were unsuccessful in the past, but will take my feedback into consideration. Eh, it was worth a try.
So anyways, the point of this post was really about how we spent the last week of summer.
We went to the Howard County Fair with Aun, Anth and their girls last Wednesday night. We checked out the animals, played some games, ate deep fried Oreos and then called it a night. Nolan liked to point to the animals, but when I would bring him close to touch them he wanted nothing to do with them. He was still a bit too small for any of the rides, but next year he will be able to go on them! Ryan also shot a few basketballs and managed to win Nolie a very large prize. It was a great evening spent with the best of friends!
Checking out the animals at the HoCo Fair!
"Daddy, can I play this game??"
Just high fiving my future wife!
Daddy won me a prize!!
Little miss Harper was an angel the whole time!
Quinny and her mama on the merry-go-round!
Daddy and kiddos picture!
On Friday night we all went to Pennsylvania to visit family. Ryan stayed back home because of work and the dogs. Around 2am Nolan woke up and I tried to get him back to sleep, but aside from the occasional nod off on my chest, he was not having any of it. Then 3:30am rolled around and Nolan was still awake and fussing. He felt warm and was coughing. Being the awesome mom that I am, I did not pack anything for a fever or cold. I was so afraid that Nolan and I were going to wake up the entire house. I finally called Ryan around that time to let him know that Nolan had a fever and I didn’t know what to do. He obviously could not do anything from Maryland, so I quickly apologized for my delirious call and let him sleep. I was back and forth from the bedroom to the living room to the kitchen all night. I tried giving Nolan a bottle. I tried playing lullabies on my quickly dying phone that I also did not pack my charger for, and I even YouTubed Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for Nolan. Poor baby was not having any of it. I knew what was wrong and felt so helpless. I finally made my way to the lower level where both my dad and brother were sleeping. At this point it was 5am. I woke them up and had finally asked for help. My brother went to go find a 24 hour CVS to get some baby Tylenol. In the meantime, I was back and forth from being outside rocking Nolan on the porch and then back inside with Mickey on the T.V. for him. Once Nol had Tylenol he quickly rested his head on me and closed his eyes. I am so mad I waited so long to ask for help because I knew what he needed, but I didn’t want to wake anyone up. Finally, at 6am Nolan and I were both back to sleep! At 8:30am Nolan woke up and was ready to start his day. I was a walking zombie, but we had a great day with the entire family! Even though Nolan was not feeling too great, he was still in a happy mood and showed off a bit for Aunt Peggy, Uncle Mark and Aunt Joanne!
Picture taken at 4:30am on Friday night. My poor sick baby was so miserable :(
So here we are…summer is over. Ryan is officially back to work and Nolan is back to his full time schedule with daycare and Aunt Ginnie. This year will be an exciting year, because well, Nolan has quite the little personality and I am looking forward to watching him learn something new every day!

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